33 Bedford Row holds press conference on Arbitrary Detention of Palestinians in Saudi Arabia

On 27 November 2019, a press conference was held at 33 Bedford Row Chambers to highlight the human rights situation of 67 individuals of Palestinian nationality arrested and detained in Saudi Arabia without reason or charge, and the human rights violations which suggest that the continued detention is arbitrary.  The event featured a group of barristers instructed to represent a number of individuals detained, who set out potential remedies under international law.  

Among those instructed to bring a human rights complaint before the UN on behalf of detained individuals is Haydee Dijkstal, a barrister at 33 Bedford Row.

At the event, Neil Mercer, Joint Head of Chambers at 33 Bedford Row, read a statement on behalf of Ms Dijkstal and outlined details of the human rights violations.  Ylenia Rosso, a Barrister at 33 Bedford Row, acted as moderator for the event and introduced the historical context associated with the human rights violations.