Olivia Beach successful in securing interim accommodation for refugee facing street homelessness

Through issuing urgent judicial review proceedings, Olivia was able to secure interim accommodation under section 188(1) Housing Act 1996 for a refugee who was facing imminent street homelessness after the Local Authority cancelled the accommodation he was being provided with.

MNS had been provided with interim accommodation as he met the criteria for priority need due to his vulnerabilities as a victim of torture and inhumane treatment. After being granted refugee status, his accommodation provided by the Home Office ended and he was accommodated by the Local Authority as a result.

The Local Authority concerned cancelled MNS’s accommodation on the basis he had not been at his address when they carried out an unplanned welfare check. He was told to contact the Local Authority within 24 hours or risk his accommodation being cancelled, and despite both him and his support worker making over 100 attempts to contact the Local Authority, no one assisted him, and instead cancelled his accommodation, leaving him at immediate risk of street homelessness.

After issuing proceedings, the Local Authority confirmed MNS could return to his accommodation.

Olivia remains instructed in the substantive proceedings and is instructed by Charlotte Wood at Lawstop.

To instruct Olivia in similar public law matters, please feel free to contact civil clerk, Charleigh Thurston.