First and Second Six Pupillage

Chambers is delighted to announce that we are offering four funded 12-month pupillages to begin in October 2024.  Chambers is offering two common law pupillages (during which pupils will have the opportunity to deal with all areas of Chambers’ work) and two specialist criminal pupillages.

Apply­ing for Pupil­lage

Applications for a funded 12-month pupillage to begin in October 2024, should be made via Pupillage Gateway between 3rd January and 7th February 2024. Please note that Chambers has two separate adverts on the Pupillage Gateway; one for the common law pupillages and one for the criminal pupillages.

Candidates invited to attend a first and/or second round interview will be interviewed in the period March to May 2024. 

Chambers will make offers to successful candidates on 10th May 2024.

We wish all eligible candidates the best of luck with their applications.

Pupillage Standard

We expect appli­cants to have an upper-second class degree. It will not be a dis­ad­van­tage if that is not in law. We wish to recruit out­stand­ing can­di­dates regard­less of race, colour, creed, reli­gion, gender or gender identity.

Our Approach

We like to think of pupils as an invest­ment in the future of cham­bers. Our selec­tion process is exten­sive, rig­or­ous but fair. At 33 Bedford Row every effort is made to cre­ate a relaxed envi­ron­ment where pupils will thrive in their pro­fes­sional devel­op­ment. The width and breadth of work we offer will pro­vide a pupil with a solid foun­da­tion upon which to start a career at the Bar. We encour­age prospec­tive appli­cants to apply for mini-pupillages.

Ten­ancy deci­sion

33 Bedford Row has a grad­ual pol­icy of expan­sion, and look­s to take on out­stand­ing pupils as ten­ants, but not every­one who applies will be offered a ten­ancy. Our deci­sion will be based on your over­all per­for­mance in pupillage but par­tic­u­lar regard will be given to the feed­back from oth­ers about your writ­ten work and per­for­mance in the advo­cacy training.