Afzal Anwar

  • Year of Call 2001



Afzal has 14 years con­tin­u­ous expe­ri­ence at both the employed and independent Bar which includes suc­cess­fully leading  in a num­ber of large and com­plex tri­als involv­ing organ­ised crime. He reg­u­larly appears for the defence in seri­ous fraud, drug con­spir­a­cies, sexual offences and homicide cases.

Afzal has a spe­cial inter­est in elec­toral law and has defended in high pro­file elec­toral fraud cases. He has a spe­cial­ist knowl­edge of the Rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the Peo­ple Act 1983 and linked legislation due to being a Police Crime Commissioner Candidate and Parliamentary Candidate twice.

Afzal also has expe­ri­ence of rep­re­sent­ing per­sons in licensing matters, from lower courts all the way through to a Judicial Review in the High Court.

Afzal has many years expe­ri­ence of Con­fis­ca­tion lit­i­ga­tion, through its evolution in statute and case law over the last two decades into the cur­rent Pro­ceeds of Crime Act (POCA).

In addi­tion, Afzal has exten­sive expe­ri­ence of “super­grass” tri­als, includ­ing The Rhys Jones Murder Case in Liverpool, the Burnley and Woking Election Fraud, and fire and safety regulatory prosecution cases.

Afzal Anwar represents defen­dants with seri­ous and organ­ised crime in the fol­low­ing areas:

  • Large scale drugs con­spir­a­cies to import and sup­ply drugs, includ­ing SOCA pros­e­cu­tions
  • Peo­ple smug­gling / traf­fick­ing con­spir­a­cies
  • White col­lar fraud, including SFO pros­e­cu­tions
  • Large scale DSS fraud
  • Credit card fraud
  • Con­spir­acy to rob
  • Blackmail
  • Kid­nap
  • Rape and seri­ous sex­ual assault
  • Teenage gang crime
  • Mur­der
  • Manslaughter
  • Attempted mur­der
  • GBH
  • Death by dan­ger­ous dri­ving
  • Per­vert­ing the course of justice
  • Arson
  • Money laundering

Direct Access

Direct Access

Mohammed is accredited to accept work under Direct access, also known as Public access, in suitable cases. In order to instruct Mohammed on a Direct access basis, contact the clerks on +44 (0) 20 7242 6476 or at